Oh what beautiful monsters we are. Toreador are the Clan most focused on perception and presentation. If a Toreador is not being talked about, they might as well not even exist.
Everyone else exists to please and entertain you. You won't forget this fact, and neither should anyone else. Your tongue should become a surgeons scalpel, leaving quick, stinging cuts. Lesser Kindred fight with their fists and fangs, when you can destroy people with your words. Existence is about enjoying yourself, and exerting your influence to ensure that you are always one of the most important people. If people think you are important, they will bend over backwards to do what you want. Without you, they are nothing.
Of course, a Toreador should always look fashionable. Look at the latest issue of Vogue or Glamour, find an outfit you think you can pull off, and wear something similar. If you have problems with makeup, there are thousands of online tutorials. Remember, appearance is everything amongst the Clan of Artists.
Don't worry if you're strapped for cash, you can always go to a thrift store and pick up something that can fool others. The guys have it easy, all they need is a pair of slacks, a clean undershirt, and wear a half-buttoned dress shirt over it. Girls can get away with a cute skirt and heels. Remember, it's never "out of style", it's simply "retro".
Always go with dark clothes, and just say "No" to stripes. Dark clothing is slimming, and contrasts well with your pale skin (if it's not pale, you should invest in some foundation and maybe a concealer stick). A good shade of lipstick is worth it's weight in gold, and the "smokey eye" goes the distance.
Want to be a little mysterious? Apply a temporary tattoo to a bit of flesh where it will be partly hidden under clothing. People will be too busy paying attention to it, and they'll ignore any other fashion mistakes.
Role Playing
"For what do we live, but to make sport for our neighbors, and laugh at them in our turn?" - Jane Austen
Always make an entrance, and if you have an entrouge, make sure they either come in with you, or they flock to you when you arrive. Without your attendance, any event just isn't as noteworthy, for you turn gatherings from droll tea parties to celebrations which will be talked about. Be loud and boisterous as you enter, just to make sure everyone knows that you have arrived and things may begin.
Slowly make your way over to the host, and thank them for their efforts. Even if their party is crap, you can always be sarcastic.
Always leave early, because the people that stick around after a party is over are losers. Plan to leave the game at least a half-hour before it ends.
If someone interrupts you, make sure to give them a withering stare. If they still don't understand their faux pas, make some ridiculous excuse to remove yourself ("Excuse me, there's something interesting over there" always works). Put them on your list of people that need to be snubbed, and ignore them for a month.
Make sure people flock to you. Choose your location carefully, and make sure it's approachable. Place yourself just out of the way of the common traffic patterns, or within a few steps of the refreshment table. To seem really interesting, make up a few stories that involve your character, and practice telling them. Make sure you speak loud enough, and learn how to fake a laugh. Learn how to segue anything into one of your stories. Be careful though, and only tell one of your stories per game session, or else people grow bored with you. Don't worry if you can't come up with more than a handful, just retell the old ones.
Remember, Boons are your stock in trade, give them freely and accept them freely. Carry around a small book or notepad that lists everyone that owes you and everyone you owe. If someone is brash enough to kill you, they inherit all your debts, which is a surefire method to ensure that people don't attempt to kill your character out of hand. Smooth over ruffled feathers with a Trivial Boon if someone really gets bent out of shape by your words or insults.
Of course, if you find yourself a little bored, it's always fun to insinuate that someone is doing something scandalous, even when they aren't. Find someone who has less status than you, and spread the word that you "Heard a rumor" or that you suspect them of doing something. Often times, all it takes is a gentle nudge, and your target finds they are the target of an investigation, or that your insinuation takes on a life of it's own. If someone ever asks you about where you recieved your information, tell them that you don't exactly recall. Sometimes, your remarks will actually turn something over that the target is really involved in, and your statement will be ignored in the light of this new dirt.
The Art is in the Blood
Toreador are artists. If your character is a painter, don't worry too much about your inability to paint, you can buy a cheap canvas and paint, and randomly draw splotches and shapes. If someone questions your methods, say it is impressionist or neo-expressionist artwork, and begin talking about Jean-Michel Basquiat and Andy Warhol.
If the character is more of a poet, feel free to steal some obscure works, only to recite them in the middle of gatherings. Don't claim that they are your own, so that other Toreador can smear you.
The most difficult types of artist to pull off are singers and musicians. Generally if you are unable to sing or play an instrument, it is best not to play a Toreador focused on those arts. You want people to remember your character's contributions and artistic ability, and you want them talking about you.
Remember, a tiny bit of research into art and artists goes a long way.
City Positions
Being that they are the advocators of fashion and etiquette, the Toreador should always look to be among the Harpies. Of course, a good Seneschal to the Prince can keep them well informed and impressionable.
The ability to discern slight imperfections in a work, or eavesdrop on someone to see if they are talking about you makes Heightened Senses very useful. Aura Perception can give you insight to a person's true intentions (and you can always blackmail them with boons to keep quiet on their lies). Spirit's Touch is useful for investigative work, if someone comes to you and pays well enough for your assistance.
Being able to read someone's mind and find out their dirty secrets via Telepathy is always useful. Of course, they should always pay you to keep quiet. And lastly Psychic Projection helps you find out who is talking about you when you're not around.
The best use for Celerity is escaping a situation in which you've enraged the peasants, and they can't think of any avenue other than violence.
The one Discipline all Toreador should focus on, Presence is often worth more than any other power of the blood. Awe immediately makes you the center of attention for only a single point of blood. Dread Gaze gives you yet another ability to disrupt any attack by someone who seems to be unable to handle criticism.
Entrancement gives you the immediate attention of a subject. Do you want someone to fawn over you, listen to your every word and be unable to break away? This power is perfect for that application.
The use of Summon on people just before you arrive at an event ensures that you have a massive welcoming party, and your arrival overshadows anything else going on at the gathering at that time.
If you want an immediate audience, use Majesty in the middle of a gathering, and then begin speaking once all the challenges have calmed down. This is an excellent way for a poet to begin their work.
Influence Focus
High Society
The main use of this Influence is to be seen and to be thought of as important. If your name is on the lips of local celebrities, and you find yourself on the list of the hottest clubs, people will desire you, and will do anything for your attention.
If a new club or event isn't advertised, it might as well be dead. In addition, keeping glorious failures of other vampires out of the news is a surefire way to make sure that someone owes you.